Group Wellness Coaching - Co-Mentor Group

Group Wellness Coaching Co-Mentor Group

Pre-requisite: Group Wellness Coaching class or equivalent.

This is an opportunity to meet with like-minded coaches once a month for 6-months to give and receive support in the design and/or delivery of a group wellness coaching program. This is a venue for feedback, brainstorming, ideas and suggestions. It’s also an opportunity to try out ideas (for experiential group activities or educational group segments –similar to the class practicums) in a safe and supportive way.

The Group Venue: Webinar.

Structure:  6 months - Monthly meetings - 1.5 hour sessions

Dates:  MayOctober 2021 (we will skip August)

April 14th, May 12th, June 16th, July 14th, September 15th, October 13th

Cost:  $200.00 USD.


Class Date 04-14-21
Class End Date 10-13-21
Cut Off Date 04-14-21
Individual Price 200.00

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